You are a miracle



You are struggling with direction, the next steps of your life, and finding it difficutl to find your path,
or you are considering whether you need to make changes to your path

Is the life you are experiencing not quite what you wished for?

Do you hesitate or struggle due to past events you feel are holding you back?

Are you confused and in need of some support?

Do you find it difficult to discuss your challenges, or do you find you have no one to talk to about moving on with your life?

Is decision making a difficulty?

Do you feel everything or everyone is against you?

Do you fear change and resist taking what you perceive to be ‘risks’?

Do you find it difficult to communicate and maybe this affects your relationships?

You feel you would benefit from some support, someone to listen, to provide support and guidance and help you discover ways in which you can simply take away those feelings of being stuck or not knowing what to do next, or where to go


Peter Welch Global - Finding your peace and freedom
Peter Welch Global - Finding joy in you life
Peter Welch Global - Finding love and lasting relationships
Peter Welch Global - Achieving success in business

Don’t wait for a miracle,
you are the miracle

It all begins here with you realising that unless something changes, then all that you experience today will be the same that you experience a year from now and that’s why you arrived here, to make changes for the better and know that you have support and assistance to help you identify your future goals, to find contentment, improve your mental happiness, and experience contentment and success

I remember experiencing a feeling where I knew something had to change, however, I put it off, as in “I’ll deal with it tomorrow'“, it’s more comfortable to not change and to procrastinate, but in doing so, we do not move forward, and remain in the same state.

If we do not change then our state is likely to be the same this time next year, and we do not take the opportunity to grow and develop ourselves, discover our true identity and build confidence that we are a good human being, we just need a little assistance to overcome life’s hurdles.

To stay in the comfort zone and do nothing prevents us gaining confidence and feelings of worth, for we must respect ourselves and gain a good opinion of ourselves before we can truly make great strides in our development as human beings.

Take advantage of my experience gained through the school of life, in different countries, different cities and towns, where I learned from my experiences and want to share my knowledge with you.
My goal is to use my past experience of broken relationships, lack of confidence, work related challenges, a long term medical condition, redundancy, extreme grief, isolation and childhood problems to help you, it seems that with all this experience my best gift to the world is to help people.

I know you are going through the same or similar experiences I have come through, allow me to be your trusted coach and guide,
so we can see you grow and develop in to the best version of you.

What is Improvement Coaching?

“When your realise your longing for change exceeds your comfort in staying where you are now”

There are many viewpoints on what coaching is, and isn’t. The Purpose of Coaching is to assist someone with transforming from their current state to a more desirable, meaningful and empowering state, achieving personal growth and development to find more enjoyment of life and peace of mind.

To achieve this, it is necessary to identify limiting beliefs and challenges and overcome these, to develop healthier thinking and make well informed decisions based on fact, by exploring abilities to develop more accurate perceptions of ourselves and the world to be able to regulate our emotions that affect the way in which we deal with life events and situations.

Having opened your mind to the possibility that you can change, and things can change for the better, you will, with guidance, identify the steps necessary to take in order to make positive impacts on the quality of your life, career and/or your relationships. Working towards agreed goals you will make progress, the speed of progress is up to you, at whatever pace you are comfortable with. With effective coaching you can apply changes in small bite size steps, or you can make rapid progress, this is dependent on you, and you will determine the speed of progress you are happiest with, you will not be pushed to progress at a speed that is uncomfortable to you

What area of your life would you like to improve?

What would you see as an achievable goal?

We discuss the options you could take

Agree what action steps you are willing to make

Determine how you will know when you have achieved your goal

Review your progress and identify other goals, now you have more confidence in yourself

Breakthrough Options

Breakthrough Call

Free for 45 mins

Introductions for the purpose of understanding and appreciating any concerns currently being experienced and/or for overcoming obstacles or limiting beliefs, you then decide weather to process or not at no cost to you

A relaxed informal call to allow you to describe your current circumstances and perceived obstacles or challenges, where you disclose as much or as little as you feel able, however, the more detail you provide will allow us to agree a progress plan that is going to bring you the most benefit, relieving your stress and helping you to discover more peace of mind

Progress Plan

£400 a month

Things only change when you take the first step.
4 x 60 minute online sessions per month for us to discuss your concerns so I can support you, and you progress towards findings peace, growth and personal development

If you are able to commit to the progress plan it is possible you will not typically require more than 8 weeks support, however yo may choose to continue if you wish to discover and overcome other concerns not initially discussed, the choice is always yours and I am open to helping for as long at the client wants support.